20th - 23rd July 2017 (GMT-04:00) America/New_York
*Registration is limited to 80 participants* *There will be no on-site registration*
Join us at the 2017 Trial Advocacy Workshop! Improve your trial skills while preparing and presenting a family law case from beginning to end. The program offers a two-track option (choose between a children’s issues case or a financial issues case). All effort will be made to accommodate your selection. The Trial Advocacy Workshop provides you with individualized attention within your small group. All workshop leaders are Florida Bar Board Certified Marital & Family Law attorneys. In their respective workshops, attendees will meet with forensic psychologists and forensic accountants in a small setting with the opportunity to ask questions and engage in open discussions. Take advantage of this opportunity to change the way you approach trials and to hone your skills. Completion of the Trial Advocacy Workshop counts as a trial for marital and family law certification. LEARN TO: ● Analyze your case ● Organize your presentation ● Select effective exhibits ● Introduce or object to evidence ● Select and examine expert witnesses ATTENDEES PLEASE NOTE: ● Electronic materials will be provided in a downloadable format ● No paper copies will be provided on site ● Advance preparation is required ● Courtroom attire is mandatory throughout workshop ● CLE Credit is contingent upon attendance and participation at all lectures and workshops
CLER PROGRAM (Maximum Credit: 28.5 hours) General: 28.5 hours Ethics: 1.5 hours CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (Maximum Credit: 28.5 hours) Civil Trial: 28.5 hours Marital and Family Law: 28.5 hours
Program qualifies as a trial for board certification purposes. PARTICIPANTS MUST ATTEND ALL LECTURES AND PARTICIPATE IN ALL WORKSHOPS TO RECEIVE CLE CREDIT. Credit may be applied to more than one of the programs above but cannot exceed the maximum for any given program. Please keep a record of credit hours earned. RETURN YOUR COMPLETED CLER AFFIDAVIT PRIOR TO CLER REPORTING DATE (see Bar News label). |
HOTEL RESERVATIONS: A block of rooms has been reserved at The Vinoy Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club, at the rate of $179 single/double occupancy. Reservations must be made by Tuesday, June 27, 2017 to ensure the group rate and availability. After that date, the group rate will be granted on a “space available” basis. |
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